Why I chose Software Development

Alinda Byamukama
3 min readMar 24, 2021

Career Switch!

I come from a different education background than most who are in software development — I started off my adult life with a Bachelors Degree in Law. So why the change in heart, you may wonder. Here are a few of the reasons why I decided to make a career switch.

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard.

Technology is fast paced

The world has changed rapidly in the last five years. Now, more than ever before, people and businesses are connecting online. Even the legal sector overcame COVID-19 restriction challenges using technology to continue their essential work — so why be left behind? I think its better to take advantage of every opportunity to gain new and in demand skills to stay relevant in the future and the present.

Opportunities are never scarce

In fact according to statistics, demand for persons with demonstrable software development skills is projected to continue growing steadily for the decade or so.

With Uganda’s current youth employment deficit - learning and mastering software development skills seems like a brilliant way to solve the problem.

In legal sectors around the world great developments in legal engineering have been made in the past few years. This may indeed leave certain Junior legal positions obsolete, as they are taken over by automation and the rise of Artificial Intelligence.

This shift towards a more tech based and savvy legal sector motivates me to pursue software development. Not only will I stay relevant (employable) in my industry, but I will also find myself in the rare company of multi talented persons who have taken up skills in more than one profession (Legal-tech Engineers).

Flexible Lifestyle

We all know of the typical software developer lifestyle that we often see on YouTube and other social platforms. Wouldn’t it be cool being able to work from anywhere in the world, or even in the comfort of your own home?

Not only does being a software developer mean you get to compete with people from around the globe for positions at big tech companies — you get to the opportunity to earn like big tech company employee too! All this without having relocate to another part of world. Its really amazing…

In conclusion

These are just a few of my reasons why I am choosing software development as my career. There are so many more, these are just a few that stuck out to me in the beginning of my journey. I keep discovering more interesting and amazing possibilities as I progress. I hope to share them with you all here in this blog in the near future!

